zaterdag 20 november 2010

Cultural differences between East and West in cross-cultural business negotiations

Cross-cultural business negotiations are influenced by four main aspects. The first one is the difference in language and non-language behaviours. The meaning of a word can be very different in several languages. This has already been motivated in one of our previous blogs. An example of the differences in non-language behaviours is the appreciation of staring at someone. Americans don’t like it because it is impolite but at the same time, the Chinese use it to show curiosity or surprise.
The second aspect is the difference in customs. Americans are more egocentric and direct while Chinese people pay a lot of attention to what other people think of them.
Another aspect is the way of thinking. Chinese prefer overall thinking, while the people in America are more interested in the individual way.
Fourth and last aspect is the difference in values. Collectivism is preferred in the East while the central value in the West is the individual person.
All these differences are very important when you want to negotiate with foreign people. Knowing the other person’s culture can be very decisive in business talks.(Source)

Nils Meul

1 opmerking:

  1. I was wondering if it is advisable to create some general business rules for the whole world? Or is this impossible?

    Further on, in a world of globalization, we all get closer. I believe our culture becomes less important. Moreover, I am convinced it is necessary to give up a part of our culture to join the hard business world.

    Do you agree with me?
